Sunday 21 October 2012

A Little Humour for Halloween

This is a true story and it took place only a couple of years ago.

It was a weekend and I was at home preparing my house for our Hallowtide gathering. One of my fellow members of the Hearth of the Turning Wheel was staying the weekend with me and helping to sort out our ritual equipment.

We had amongst this equipment the Hearth totems and one of these is a “haremask,” which is the facial skin of a hare complete with fur and ears. This "mask" was tied to a rabbit skin by leather thronging and looked rather like a glove puppet.

While we were chatting we heard a knock at the door and I, expecting other Hearth members; swung back the front door while remaining hidden behind it, extended my arm with the hare puppet on it and shouted; “Happy Halloween!”

There was complete silence. I stepped out from behind the door expecting to see our other Hearth members but no. Instead I found a Jehovah’s Witness, as white as a sheet.

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