Saturday 29 September 2018


In remembrance of Hannah, lamented daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Jordan of this parish, who died November 18th 1854 aged 22 years.

“My fragrant, blooming flower hath drooped and fallen.
A base deceiver with his hellish acts and lying tongue;
My peace hath slain and all my family o’erwhelm’d with grief.”

With love’s sweet name upon his demon lips.
With banns and promises and flattering tales,
Her confidence he gained, her ruin sealed.

Seduc’d, betray’d, her tender heart he broke.
Her body to an early tomb consign’d;
Her loving soul to realms of bliss has fled.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Agincourt Carol - Anonymous 15th Century English

Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria!
[Give thanks, England, to God for victory!]

Owre Kynge went forth to Normandy
With grace and myght of chyvalry
Ther God for hym wrought mervelusly;
Wherefore Englonde may call and cry

Deo gratias!
Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria!

He sette sege, forsothe to say,
To Harflu towne with ryal aray;
That toune he wan and made afray
That Fraunce shal rewe tyl domesday.

Deo gratias!
Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria!

Then went hym forth, owre king comely,
In Agincourt feld he faught manly;
Throw grace of God most marvelsuly,
He had both feld and victory.

Deo gratias!
Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria!

Ther lordys, erles and barone
Were slayne and taken and that full soon,
Ans summe were broght into Lundone
With joye and blisse and gret renone.

Deo gratias!
Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria!

Almighty God he keep owre kynge,
His people, and alle his well-wyllynge,
And give them grace wythoute endyng;
Then may we call and savely syng:

Deo gratias!
Deo gratias Anglia redde pro victoria!


Poxy Boggards

Maddy Prior and June Tabor

Friday 7 September 2018

Anonymous Medieval Poem

I’m a poor old woman who knows nothing,
I never could read.
In my parish church I see paradise,
Painted with harps and lutes;
And a hell where the damned are boiled.
The one frightens me and the other brings joy.

Tuesday 4 September 2018



'The Northern Witan a Symposium of Traditional Witchcraft and Folk Magic' is a series of five lectures presented by practitioners and scholars exploring themes relating to to Witchcraft and Folk Magic. The accompanying market is open to the public. The event is graciously sponsored by the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. The event will take place in Derby (England) on Saturday the 16th of March 2019.

The Northern Witan 2019 Speakers

Shani Oates: Maid of the Clan of Tubal Cain and prolific author on many esoteric subjects.

Stuart Inman: Magistrar of the Clan of the Entangled Thicket and virtue holder of the 1734.

Gemma Gary: representing the Cornish Craft, author and one half of the publishing house Troy Books.

Victoria Musson: a natural fibre artist, traditional crafter and rural folklorist. Well known as Mrs Midian and for her connections with the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic.

Simon Costin: Director and owner of the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic and the National Folklore Museum.

What is a Witan?

The Witenagemot, Witanmoot or Witan is a historically attested if controversial Anglo-Saxon term, used prior to the Norman settlement to describe an assembly of advisors. These advisors would gather at a 'thing' or other significant place, to advise their Overlord or in the case of the Lords, to advise the King.

The word moot is sometimes used today in Pagan circles to describe an informal and often social meeting. Witan is used in a more formal context deriving as it does from the gathering of the advisors. Whether the etymology of Witan is linked to the word wit and therefore wise, is at times questioned but the generally accepted roots are linked to wisdom.

Witan may mean Wiseman or wise counsellor and this leads to a rather interesting usage, in which the person attending a Witan (shortened) is a Witan themselves. We can therefore suggest by implication that Witanmot is a gathering of wise persons.

It is in this latter context that we choose to use the Anglo-Saxon word Witan to describe our symposium, which is itself derived from the Greek. The Witan is a gathering of the Wise to discuss the Craft of the Wise.