Monday 15 July 2019

Sean Woodward at Pagan Pride 2018

Sunday the 5th of August 2018 was the last Pagan Pride in Nottingham, although of course none of us knew that at the time. I attended purposely as two people I know in real life were speaking. Conveniently they presented their talks in the same tent consecutively.

Sean Woodward is a writer and artist known in occult circles for his Gnostic works. He is the author of Keys to the Hoodoo Kingdom (a book launched in July of 2018) and the British Grand Master of Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua and La Couleuvre Noire. I had only recently been introduced to Mr Woodward. I met him in London when I was attending the 'Art in the Crypt' event and his book launch (see link below).

Sean began promptly at 4pm, vainly attempting to find shade in the gazebo tent erected for the talks. His talk 'the Witch Queen' began with an introduction to Hesiod and references to the Goddess of Sky, Earth and Sea. Moving on and exploring the three faces of change, it became clear that the number three was to be at the heart of this presentation.

After briefly discussing the open and wild places of the Trivium; the three formed crossroads being a common location for the statues of the deities Hecate and Hermes. Sean quickly moved onto the subject of household spirits, Triadytis, the three places, the three eyes and prophetic vision. The Key of Life was alluded to with reference to the two pillars plus a third within the Typhonian tradition.

Discussing the Gnosis of the Dreaming Sabbat and the vision of the Skull, Temple, Shrine and the Holed Stone, we were introduced to the Chaldean origins of his subject matter, the Greek development and cautioned with the observance that many interpretations are relatively modern.

Continuing with a very brief discussion of Fairy Lore, Mr Woodward made references to Queen Mab, the writers Spencer and Blake, Artemis and Morgan Le Fey. Returning once more to the signficance of the number three, we were introduced to the three headed goddess, snake symbolism and the four virtues. One of which being wisdom formed a very clever link to Sophia and the study of Gnostic philospophy.

Mr Woodward's presentation was to be a short one, it was delivered at speed but gave the audience a taste of what is to be found in his writings of an obvious greater depth. His explorations of Gnosticism, the Templars, the Rota Wheel, the Square of Tanat, the Serpent Lady and the mass, were brief samples designed to awaken the appetite of the listener.

Drawing his talk to a close Mr Woodward touched upon the symbolism of the frog, a controversial and disputed area in regards to Hecate. Associations with a Frog Headed Goddess of Egypt being rather more appropriate and credible. This did however, serve as a link to Hekate's Fountain. A fountain not of water but of blood. His final and pertinent observation being that the Witch Queen lies hidden in the Square of Tanat. A key that is worth the searching for.

Art in the Crypt

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